Wednesday, November 7, 2012

C4K October

Ella's Blog

This week, I read a blog post called Dear Santy Claus. This post was talking about how Santa Claus goes on vacation during his off season. Also she made her Christmas list. After her Christmas list, she explains why she deserves everything on that Christmas list. She says she always listens and respects her parents.

The comment I left was:
My name is Hillary Hamlin and I am a student at the University of South Alabama.I really enjoyed reading you note to “Santy Claus”. I am sure they are getting ready for Christmas in a couple months. Also I love you list of extravagant gifts for Christmas.I believe you do deserve it especially since you help do dishes and take care of your parents and animals. I know your parents really enjoy you helping them out. I hope you get everything that you want, just keep giving your mother caramel treats! :)

The USHRS Blog
The week after, I was assigned Michael's Blog. He explains how United States History Research Seminar has been a completly new experience for him. They are using a different kind of learning experience instead of the teacher-gives-lecture-to-student-while-student-takes-notes type of learning, they are doing something called partnering. It's basically a style of learning created to make students more enthusiastic about their work. He says he looks forward to this type of learning inside USHRS.

My comment I left was:
My name is Hillary Hamlin and I am a student at The University of South Alabama. I am interested in this way of learning! This style is something that is new to me! Partnering seems to be very helpful especially in a students point of view. I know as a student myself, I enjoying working with others and sharing different thoughts. I do understand sometimes teachers wont pick the most interesting topic but if you have help from a partner y’all can make any idea creative. I’m also inspired by the fact that students can have their own sense of control over the subject. I believe that is a great thing to teach especially before college! Thank you for sharing!

Stephen's World

This week for comments for kids was really short and simple. Stephen mad a list of his favorite things. His favorite time is Christmas, also his favorite subject is Math.Welcome to his World

The comment I left was:
I really enjoyed reading your post about your favorite things. I do believe we have at least two things in common; my favorite holiday is Christmas. Also my favorite subject is Math. I find math to be real simple and fun at the same time. It is really interesting that you want to become a engineer. Keep up the great work and Im sure one day it will pay off. Dont give up on your dreams!

Vitulli & Santoli: Eyes on Ireland

This about two doctors who went to Ireland. Of coarse everything is different compared to the United States, but one particular thing would be the food. They made a whole blog post just about FOOD! They explained the pictures of food in great detail. Check out all the amazing food in Ireland

My last comment for October was left: First off, I really enjoyed learning about your trip to Ireland.That is a tremendous ammount of food, but since the prices are pretty high I would aspect a great ammount. This food looks magnificent! I'm sure it is a joyful experience to travel somewhere outside of the United States. I hope yall enjoy yourselves!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed some grammatical errors throughout your summary and especially in your last comment. You said, "That is a tremendous ammount of food, but since the prices are pretty high I would aspect a great ammount." It should be "amount" and "expect" not "aspect."
