Did You Know?
This video was very mind boggling and unbelievable. It is amazingly how fast technology is taking over. Very hard to believe how many countries are compared to the United States, and to know that China will soon be the number one country speaking English language. Also that India has more honor roll children then the United States which is a little scary and to know that we have sixty-seven babies that are born just in the United States under less than five minutes! It is amazing how fast the world is growing especially in so little time.
Not only is the population booming all around the world but technology is at an increasingly dramatic rate. To know that people are getting ready for jobs that have not even began to exist yet, kind of scary thought! It is hard to believe at the age of 35; people will have at least 10-14 jobs under then! Also knowing that jobs that exist and are important today did not even exist in 2006. This video was beyond interesting and very eye opening! There is so much we actually do not know about the world today!
Mr. Winkle Wakes
I really enjoyed this video I thought it was very cute after waking up a hundred years later; Mr. Winkle discovers new technology that is used in everyday life. It's unbelievable how much technology has changed tremendously. In hospitals they use new technology to keep people alive and well. Also business workers can exchange knowledge across the world.
This video should bring attention to people that we should be very thankful we have the advantage to use this great technology. Even though sometimes it is hard to understand and it only advances every day. It's a little bit scary to think what are children will be doing in ten years or what their children will have. Only time will tell.
Sir Ken Robinson
This video illustrates the major imbalance between the sciences and the arts present in education Sir Ken Robinson states that our schools are killing students' creativity. All children are creative in their own unique way and schools do not set programs into place that encourage creative expression. The Arts are at the bottom of the educational food chain. Many students are told, "You'll never get a job doing that". Because of this popular expression, many kids give up their aspirations towards creative talents and settle into the routine educational experience.
I think the message that Robinson’s speech has for teachers is that we need to realize the potential of every child that we come and contact. We need to encourage all children to pursue what they are interested in as well as the important academic concepts that we are required to teach. Teachers need to make more of an effort to give their students a well rounded education which engages both sides of their brain.
A Day Made Of Glass
I couldn't believe this video it is amazing to think one day that the world will more than likely come to that. In this video it takes a few steps into the future of the glass world; how it can be used not only as for fun but to help save energy. So much logic is built into the glass all around the world.
Teaching in the near future seems to be a breeze in the park with all the technology. Also Doctors will have walls that are active displays and touchable glass that gathers all the information about the patient. This is a great way to keep in touch with everything in a very organized way. This video shows a shift in the future on different ways of communication and usage of technology.
Hi Hillary! I very much enjoyed reading your blog post. I thought you did a good job of summarizing and interpreting each of the videos. Just remember though, add links and picture's to all your blog post.